Get ready to tear down obstacles of the mind and body. We at Buffalo Strength believe that getting yourself back to work means setting your own pace. With no joining fee, no long term contract and no deposit you can start your journey with us today.
Shop 4, GF, 18A Mui Wo Ferry Pier Road, Mui Wo
(Beside Isara and Friendly Bike Shop)
8.30am-12.00pm; 5.00pm-10.00pm Weekdays
10.00am-7.00pm Weekends

1 x Leg Press
2 x Half Rack
1 x Power Rack
3 x Adjustable Bench
1 x Decline Bench
1 x 4 Station Cable Pulley
1 x Dual Pulley System
1 x Weightlifting Platform
Free Weights
Steel Dumbbells (1-10kg)
Dumbbells (10kg-42.5kg in 2.5kg increments)
Kettlebells (All competition sizes, 4kg - 48kg)
290kg in Olympic Bumper Plates
500kg in Standard Plates
Hex Bar
6 x Olympic Bars
Log Press
Tricep Bar
Safety Squat Bar
Swiss Bar
Functional Equipment
Stability Balls
Medicine Balls (1-10kg)
Slam Balls (5kg-20kg)
Sandbags (5kg-30kg)
Indian Clubs (4kg, 8kg, 12kg)
Bulgarian Bags (5kg-20kg)
Resistance Bands
Suspension Bands
Foam Plyoboxes (3"-24")
Foam Rollers
Battle Ropes
Weight Sled
Weight Vest
Wooden Water Rowers
IC-5 Spin Bikes
700 sq. ft. of Judo Mats
Our Story
After five years of inactivity (lit. drinking), I changed things around about two years ago. It wasn't any sudden moment of clarity rather than the gradual and depressing realization that things had gotten beyond what I could tolerate. The point to this brief history is that I had to get to a really bad state before the commitment to join a gym kicked in.
In part (90%) because I'm a lazy arse. However, I had approached gyms during my 'convalescence' and was daunted by sky high monthly fees, "unrefundable" joining fees and first and last months' payments up front. When I eventually did join Pure Fitness in IFC Mall (the only properly equipped gym nearby), it cost me $4,999 before I could even pick up a weight. Monthly fees were $1,388.
Why do gyms do business this way?
Well, not really. It's for the same reason businesses all over Hong Kong are either folding, compromising quality or ripping off their consumers: rent.
Gyms are mostly located in hyper affluent areas. Because gyms require large floor space this means renting two or three floors in a premium priced building like IFC or Kinwick Centre. These gyms also require space for masses of equipment that, functionally, people do not need in order to train effectively.
By contrast, we have a simple philosophy at Buffalo Strength
Get people to use the gym.
It's not a very profound philosophy. What do you expect? I lift weights. However, it's a philosophy notably lacking from the big private gyms, who make joining the gym the main object.
The location
After a few months of frustration trying to find a location I walked past a shop I must have failed to notice every single day (either that or I'm in that Ed Harris movie). It was permanently closed and cluttered, but otherwise a great space. The clearing/cleaning/renovation process was lengthy, but our landlords the Christian Zheng Sheng Association (link) were a great help. Here's some pics:
Why did I do this?
When I rediscovered the power and vitality my body had it was like being a teenager again. I accomplished athletic feats that I hadn't replicated in over 15 years, and that act alone sometimes brought tears to my eyes. But the real change was in my everyday life. Once my body was working for me, my personality rediscovered its old joy for life. I became less dour, less cynical. More friendly. My relationships with my neighbours and the community strengthened. I made new friends and mended bridges with old ones. In short, getting back in shape changed my entire life for the better, mentally and spiritually.
In the bargain, I got muscly boobs and a six pack!
It takes effort, discipline and consistency to make a change. But in practice all that was required were a few feet of floorspace and a couple of barbells and benches.
Frankly it's inexcusable in Hong Kong, one of the most affluent cities in the world, that the vast majority of people have little access to such basic equipment. Consider the avenues (and years) of life that are cut off for you if you're denied the ability to properly exercise. 'Deny' sounds like hyperbole (it is perhaps)... but in practice in Hong Kong what options do people have?
Apartments are too small to house adequate equipment. Governments gyms are few and far apart and some (like ours) are not best equipped. Private gyms cost a month's rent to join. It is Not On.
And so... the sad conclusion is that I have become an addict, yes, or maddened preacher. And I must share my evangel with YOU, the residents of Mui Wo to Tai O. I built this temple so that the fount of life that is moderate, sensible exercise may succour you.
That is why our object is not only profit. Our object is fitness and strength!
If a gym is not achieving this for its members... if all it does is collect empty membership subscriptions... if people are not using it or are put off from using it for reasons of cost... then the gym is not achieving this very basic purpose.
As such, Buffalo Strength denounces such places, yea, as NAUGHT but the Broken Temples Of the False Gods! But do not fear... for while these gyms are stacked with nothing but FAIL ours will have excesses of the purest WIN for export!
We shall show them the error of their ways with our rounded glutes and sculpted abdominals. And in the PAIN of defeat, as they gaze on the smouldering wreckage of the devastation wrought at the ends of our barbells, we will SQUAT OVER THE REMAINS and perform comfortable, safe reps as they weep in agony.
And so...
Whatever your level of fitness, you are welcome and appreciated at my gym. If you're getting back into exercise after a long layoff, like me, I'll be there with you. If you've never stepped foot in a gym in your life, please don't be intimidated... this facility is for everyone. If you're in really bad shape I will slug out the tough times with you and see you well. If you're an experienced bodybuilder or powerlifter I'll leave you the hell alone because I know my place.
This is why Buffalo Strength will be kept affordable and without demanding committment. Jokes aside, I am passionate about this and I want to help people achieve their body goals and feel better.
There is no magic exercise plan and no magic diet. The key to strength, fitness, body shape... whatever your goals... is consistency. That's what I want to foster in members, and that's what the incentives on offer will hopefully bring.
Thank you for reading the above drivel.